MMOEXP: WoW Cataclysm Classic. High-End Loft Stuff

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Who attended: Blizzard tainment has a method of attracting crowds. So, it was no surprise that the the senior vice head of design and development for games WoW Cataclysm Classic drew more than a few people to his presentation in the 2009 Game Developers Conference. The gaming executive pro

The 360 version of Aliens Vs. Predator has been a bit off NPD's top 10 of February.

It was the Xbox 360 edition of BioShock 2 was the top pick and also included (in the order of sales volume per unit) new Super Mario Bros. Wii, WoW cataclysm Gold 2 (360), Just Dance (Wii), Wii Sports Resort, WoW Cataclysm Classic 2 (PS3), Mass Effect 2 (360), Dante's Inferno: Divine Edition (PS3), Dante's Inferno (360) (360) as well as Heavy Rain (PS3). Then, NPD has release its complete top 20 lists of both PC and PC games. Although the rankings do not reveal the sales figures, they indicate which titles fell out of the previously released non-PC top 10, but were still popular in the month. The 11th spot was taken by the 360 version of the controversially dubbed Aliens Vs. Predator which was followed by the PS3 edition of the top-finisher BioShock 2. The other games that came out of the pipeline did not make the top 20. These included (by the rank of 13th from up to) New Super Mario Bros. (DS), Mario Kart Wii with Wheel (Wii), MAG (PS3), Wii Fit Plus, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games, and the God of War Collection.

Separated into two separate SKUs, Star Trek Online was defeated by...WoW Cataclysm Classic. High-End Loft Stuff.

On the PC side it was more complex. Because the rankings are determined by specific product, the a-la carte edition and collectible editions of Star Trek Online were listed as separate products, and came in fourth and fifth place despite not having the best reviews. (See bottom.) The first one the top spot was WoW Cataclysm Classic: High-End Loft Stuff The most recent virtual goods addition to the wildly popular Sims 3, which came third in the month. BioShock 2 was released at fifth place, which is in front of Sentinel's Fate expansion for EverQuest II, a rare glimpse in Sony Online tainment's massively multiplayer online game in the charts. (The Collector's Edition of the expansion came in 13th spot.)

Who attended: Blizzard tainment has a method of attracting crowds. So, it was no surprise that the the senior vice head of design and development for games buy Cataclysm Classic Gold  drew more than a few people to his presentation in the 2009 Game Developers Conference. The gaming executive provided attendees the chance to taste Blizzard's special sauce during his session entitled "Making an Industry Standard (and trying to adhere to it! ): Blizzard Design Philosophies."
