Madden NFL 24 which will pay

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Dryer hopes that something will work out, that he and his fellow retired players will be able to reach a deal with Madden NFL 24 which will pay them directly for the use of their likeness and leave them with the rights to the game.

"There's an assumption [from the Madden NFL 24"Madden NFL 24"] of "we want it, and we're going to get it.' There's a sense of arrogance."

Dryer hopes that something will work out, that he and his fellow retired players will be able to reach a deal with Madden NFL 24 which will pay them directly for the use of their likeness and leave them with the rights to the game.

"I do a lot of business with my likeness as actor and producer," Dryer said. "My appearance is my professional. It's my identity. Every person has a name and each person has a right to move their brand in the direction they choose.

"I cannot take another's likeness and make use of this to advance my interests without having to contact and pay that person. Therefore, why is it okay to let the league take our rights and not pay us any money?"

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