WoW cataclysm: What do you think about introducing a new character completely?

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We're all designers, and we all have a lot of insane ideas. A thought that pops into our minds often is "Hey What if there was a brand new class? What would it be like?" The answer to that question, at least for the moment is that there's so plenty of room to play w

What do you think about introducing a new character completely? Do you continue to play with or are you trying to make card games to teach the class we offer.

We're all designers, and we all have a lot of insane ideas. A thought that pops into our minds often is "Hey What if there was a brand new class? What would it be like?" The answer to WoW cataclysm Gold that question, at least for the moment is that there's so plenty of room to play with within the classes are already in place and it's vital that all classes feel like they are part of a distinct identity. As you add more classes to your list, the chance to make them feel more like each other is increasing.

I believe that nine is a good number and we have plenty of space to explore. There are numerous expansions to come and a long time of content to expand on the nine classes, and create a different experience. I believe we could include more decks in Druid while staying within the boundaries of druid and feel distinct from the way it is today, without something like adding a new class. There's so much more material to discover. This isn't something we're currently thinking about.

Looking back to Tavern Brawl since it allows you to play with new ways of playing What's the last thing that you were truly amazed by on the development side? Something that everyone really liked which you didn't think would be a hit or in the opposite direction, something you discovered that people actually dislike?

I believe that a lot of the things we saw were what we anticipated. However, one thing I was not expecting was when we first announced Tavern Brawl, we all knew there were two distinct types of players. There are players who are extremely excited by the rule sets that have special rules and want to buy WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold create themselves a deck. There's another group that feels like their collection isn't as extensive but they're certainly not the best deck builders. They're already thinking it's difficult to build an outdoor deck using ladders which is why they like the pre-constructed decks that let them play and then move forward.
